Rules of submission

As the editorial team we are committed to a firm and coherent editorial line and the highest possible printing standards. But it is mainly you, the author, who makes sure that the Oncothermia Journal is an interesting and diversified magazine. We want to thank every one of you who supports us in exchanging professional views and experiences. To help you and to make it easier for both of us, we prepared the following rules and guidelines for abstract submission.

Aims and Scope
The Oncothermia Journal is an official journal of the Oncotherm Group, devoted to supporting those who would like to publish their results for general use. Additionally, it provides a collection of different publications and results. The Oncothermia Journal is open towards new and different contents, but it should particularly contain complete stuady-papers, case-reports, reviews, hypotheses, opinions and all the informative materials which could be helpful for the international Oncothermia community. Advertisement connected to the topic is also welcome.

      • Clinical studies: regional or local or multilocal Oncothermia or electro cancer therapy (ECT) treatments, case-reports, practical considerations in complex therapies, clinical trials, physiological effects, Oncothermia in combination with other modalities and treatment optimization
      • Biological studies: mechanisms of Oncothermia, thermal- or non-temperature dependent effects, response to electric fields, bioelectromagnetic applications for tumors, Oncothermia treatment combination with other modalities, effects on normal and malignant cells and tissues, immunological effects, physiological effects, etc.
      • Techniques of Oncothermia: technical development, new technical solutions, proposals
      • Hypotheses, suggestions and opinions to improve Oncothermia and electro-cancer-therapy methods, intending the development of the treatments.

Further information about the journal, including links to the online sample copies and content pages can be found on the website of the journal:

Submission of Manuscripts
All submissions should be made online via email:

Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts must be written in English, but other languages can be accepted for special reasons, if an English abstract is provided.

Texts should be submitted in a format compatible with Microsoft Word for Windows (PC). Charts and tables are considered textual and should also be submitted in a format compatible with Word. All figures (illustrations, diagrams, photographs) should be provided in JPG format.

Manuscripts may be any length, but must include:

      • Title Page: title of the paper, authors and their affiliations, 1-5 keywords, at least one corresponding author should be listed, email address and full contact information must be provided.
      • Abstracts: Abstracts should include the purpose, materials, methods, results and conclusions.
      • Test: unlimited volume
      • Tables and Figures: Tables and figures should be referred to in the text (numbered figures and tables). Each table and/or figure must have a legend that explains its purpose without a reference to the text. Figure files will ideally be submitted as a jpg-file (300dpi for photos).
      • References: Oncothermia Journal uses the Vancouver (Author-Number) system to indicate references in the text, tables and legends, e.g. [1], [1-3]. The full references should be listed numerically in order of appearance and presented following the text of the manuscript.

It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or license the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to the publisher. The transmitted rights are not exclusive, the author(s) can use the submitted material without limitations, but the Oncothermia Journal also has the right to use it.

Electronic Proofs
When the proofs are ready, the corresponding authors will receive an e-mail notification. Hard copies of proofs will not be mailed. To avoid delays in the publication, corrections to proofs must be returned within 48 hours, by electronic transmittal or fax.

Offprints and Reprints
Author(s) will have the opportunity to download the materials in electronic form and use it for their own purposes. Offprints or reprints of the Oncothermia Journal are not available.

The Oncothermia Journal accepts advertising in any language but prefers advertisements in English or at least partially in English. The advertising must have a connection to the topics in the Oncothermia Journal and must be legally correct, having checked that all information is true

Legal responsibility
Authors of any publications in the Oncothermia Journal are fully responsible for the material which is published. The Oncothermia Journal has no responsibility for legal conflicts due to any publications. The editorial board has the right to reject any publication if its validity has not been verified enough or the board is not convinced by the authors.

he Oncothermia Journal has a special peer-reviewing process, represented by the editorial board members and specialists, to whom they are connected. To avoid personal conflicts the opinion of the reviewer will not be released and her/his name will be handled confidentially. Papers which are not connected to the topics of the journal could be rejected without reviewing.

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